Nieuws & Media . 9 Experiences at Lelystad Airport 9 Breathtaking adventure at SkySim Lelystad with the Airbus A320 flight simulation

Breathtaking adventure at SkySim Lelystad with the Airbus A320 flight simulation

January 19, 2024 | There are approximately 45 companies located at the business park of Lelystad Airport, and it is time to get to know these companies better!

On Friday, January 19th, the marketing communication team of Lelystad Airport visited SkySim Lelystad at the invitation of pilot Niels Dam.

Upon arrival, we were warmly welcomed with a cup of coffee and received extensive information about what SkySim has to offer. The company, located in the KLM Aeroclub building, has a high-quality Airbus A320 simulator.

Upon entering the simulator, it is almost unbelievable how realistic it is. Countless buttons, levers, foot pedals, and a lifelike view of an airport. Once in the simulator, you immediately feel responsible for the entire operation, even though as an inexperienced ‘day pilot,’ you actually have no idea what all the buttons are for. Under the guidance of instructor/pilot Niels, we received excellent support and explanations, essential for performing complex maneuvers during the flight.

The journey started from Amsterdam Schiphol to Düsseldorf, and with full concentration, we flew from one airport to another. We took turns being the captain and the copilot. After a safe landing in Düsseldorf, we flew on to Bremen Airport.

In the pilot’s seat, as well as that of the copilot, you immediately feel the responsibility and experience the pressure to control the aircraft perfectly. Although there was room for a joke in between, we took our task extremely seriously. What made this experience unforgettable was not only the flying itself but also the opportunity to simulate various scenarios, such as an engine fire and different weather conditions.

All in all, the Airbus A320 simulation at SkySim was a fantastic and impressive experience that we will not soon forget. It gave us a glimpse of real life and the responsibilities of a pilot, enhancing our understanding of the complex world of aviation.

Are you also curious about what it’s like to take a simulation flight? Has piloting a commercial aircraft always been a dream, are you looking for an incredibly fun and unique experience for yourself, someone else, or as a team outing with colleagues? Then make an appointment quickly and come visit the Airbus A320 simulator at SkySim.

SkySim overlooks the runway of Lelystad Airport.

Photos: Niels from SkySim, Christel, Esmée, Richard from Lelystad Airport.


Curious to know which companies are all located at the business park of the airport? On the website of Lelystad Airport, you will find a useful business directory.


January 9, 2024.