Lelystad Airport is your departure base for different purposes. To learn to fly, to see the Netherlands from above during a sightseeing flight, for example. But also to take a seat in a professional simulator or to go to work by plane.
With an average of 80,000 air transport movements (40,000 flights) per year, Lelystad Airport is the busiest General Aviation airport in the Netherlands. A controlled airport where air traffic control (LVNL) operates the tower and safety comes first.
Flight training, sightseeing flights, flight simulation and business aviation: your flight starts at Lelystad Airport.
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Flight training
Lelystad Airport is the perfect place to learn to fly. For private and professional pilots.
Flight simulation
Want to experience flying for yourself? To see with your own eyes what it involves?
Sightseeing flights
Want to see the Netherlands from a different angle?
Business aviation
Fly from Lelystad Airport directly to multiple European destinations.