Operational info

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Operational info

Lelystad Airport to close for construction work in September 2024.

Airport closure from 2 to 16 September 2024.

Click here for more information.

Northern Area

As of Thursday, 26 January 2023 , the Northern Area will be put into operation.

Infrastructure involved

The Northern Area (NA) refers to the infrastructure to the northwest of the runway. Specifically, the following sections will be put into operational use:

  • Taxiways N, A, A1 and A2
  • Apron L


FATO and HELEX are also located on the Northern Area. These two helicopter areas were already in operational use as of 7 November 2019.


The Northern Area is primarily used for larger visiting business aviation aircraft (spans between 24 and 36 meters). Four aircraft stands are available for parking such aircraft: L5 through L8. In addition, the Northern Area can be used for long-term parking (several days) of smaller visiting aircraft. Arrangements for this can be made in advance with the Operations Department (OD). Aircraft with said larger wingspan (24-36m) from LA-based companies will continue to be handled on the Southern Area (ZA).

Operational consequences


The main operational consequence of putting the Northern Area into operation will be that pilots will observe ground traffic on the northern taxiways and the northern Apron L. Also, as of 26 January, the runway can be entered and exited from both sides: entry can be via N1 or N2 for takeoff direction 23 and via N4 or N3 for takeoff direction 05. Air traffic from the current (Southern) area – which normally uses intersections S1 and S5 at takeoff – can therefore also expect departing traffic from the physical start of the runway. Landing traffic should take into account that air traffic with destination Northern Area will exit the runway via N2 (in case of a landing on runway 05) or N3 (in case of a landing on runway 23).



FATO/HELEX operators have since been informed separately by LA and LVNL about the Northern Area being put into operation as of 26 January. Specifically, the local rule is that if air traffic has to taxi on runway N between N3 and A2, helicopters must be grounded in the FATO or HELEX or insert into the training circuit.


The decision to put the Northern Area into operation has been incorporated into the AIP per effective date 26 January 2023. Specific changes:

  • EHLE AD 2.13 – declared distances
  • ADC – Aerodrome Chart

You can access these changes today at https://www.lvnl.nl/informatie-voor-luchtvarenden/publicaties-voor-luchtvarenden.

In addition, a TRIGGER NOTAM has been issued regarding this: A2976/22.

If you have any questions about the change, please contact the Operations Department by phone at +31 88 6009 770 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Preventing runway and taxiway incursions

As at other airports, runway incursions and taxiway incursions are committed at Lelystad Airport with some regularity. Given the safety risks it poses, Lelystad Airport, together with Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) and local users, have decided to place extra focus on this.

We would like to ask you to make the animation as widely known as possible among your own tenants, club members and individual pilots, in order to further jointly improve safety at Lelystad Airport.

Charging facilities for the Pipistrel Velis Electro at Lelystad Airport

In cooperation with the Sustainable Flying Platform, Lelystad Airport has had a charger for the Pipistrel Velis Electro since 3 September 2021.

No consumption charges will be levied for the use of this charger. However, the regular airport charges apply.

Users of the Pipistrel Velis Electro are requested to contact [email protected] before their flight to coordinate the use of the charger.

Adjustment of IFR services time slots

IFR services at Lelystad Airport have changed as of 13 September 2021. From then on, IFR services will be available on working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays) between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

For more information, please call 088 – 6009 791


Preventing runway and taxiway incursions

Runway incursions and taxiway incursions are committed at Lelystad Airport with some regularity. Because of the safety risks this entails, Lelystad Airport, together with Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) and local users, has decided to pay extra attention to this.

We would like to ask you to make the animation as widely known as possible among your own tenants, club members and individual pilots, in order to further improve safety at Lelystad Airport together.

Charging facilities for the Pipistrel Velis Electro at Lelystad Airport

In cooperation with the Sustainable Flying Platform, Lelystad Airport has had a charger for the Pipistrel Velis Electro since September 3, 2021.

No consumption charges will be levied for the use of this charger. However, the normal port charges will apply.

Users of the Pipistrel Velis Electro are requested to contact [email protected] before their flight to coordinate the use of the charger.

Adjustment of the IFR service time block.

As of September 13, 2021 IFR services at Lelystad Airport have changed. IFR service will from then on be available on working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays) between 09.00 – 17.00 lt.

  • All IFR flights PPR.
  • Send the PPR request at least 24 HR prior to: [email protected].
  • For more information, please call 088 – 6009 791

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