Lelystad Airport news
News releases regarding Lelystad Aiport.
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Media kit
This media kit contains images of Lelystad Airport that are free to use.
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NOS publication, Lelystad Airport approach route
BNR The Friday Move, live from Lelystad Airport
On 23 June 2023, Lelystad Airport served as the location for the live broadcast of BNR The Friday...
Launch of the Flevoland Hydrogen Valley platform
On 23 June 2023, the Flevoland Hydrogen Valley (FLHY) platform was launched with the aim of...
Lelystad Airport in Madurodam
Lelystad Airport in Madurodam! On 8 June 2023, Madurodam unveiled its iconic control tower...
Height restrictions around Lelystad Airport
Lelystad Airport is committed to safety for local residents, businesses and pilots. To ensure...
Cooperation with JINC
Lelystad Airport became a proud partner of non-profit organisation JINC. The collaboration will...
Hollywood in Flevoland
Hollywood in Flevoland during International Firefighters' Day! Thursday 4 May marked International...
JINC ‘Baas van Morgen’
Jesse had the opportunity to be the boss of Lelystad Airport for one day. 'Boss of Tomorrow,' an...
EBS bus transportation company will be charging electric buses at Lelystad Airport
Electric buses from December 2023: EBS will charge at Lelystad Airport Lelystad Airport has signed...
Electric flying between Lelystad Airport and Schiphol
18 individuals had the opportunity to fly from Lelystad Airport to Schiphol in a Pipistrel Velis...
The Longest Day Flying ‘Sunset Fly-in’
2023 is a special year for Lelystad Airport. The year in which we celebrate the airport's 50th...
Basisschool Ichthus wint schoolreisje naar Aviodrome
Groepen 1 t/m 4 van basisschool Ichthus hebben genoten van hun gewonnen schoolreisje naar het...
Job application training at Aeres College with JINC
This week, Christel Slagt, representing Lelystad Airport, was a guest teacher at the Aeres VMBO in...
De Lelystadse Boer mowed LA50JAAR into the lawn
Lelystad Airport’s 50th anniversary marks a milestone in aviation history and we are happy to...
Lelystad Airport sponsor of Lelystadse Uitdaging
Social responsibility is an important aspect in the development of Lelystad Airport. Therefore,...
Stichting Hoogvliegers bezorgt een onvergetelijke dag
Afgelopen april kreeg Lelystad Airport er weer veel piloten bij. Vorige maand toverde Stichting...
Interview AD “het vliegveld gaat open voor vakantievluchten, want een andere optie is er niet.”
Interview Jan Eerkens, CEO Lelystad Airport. Algemeen Dagblad. Maart, 2023. Jan Eerkens (44) is...
Financieel Dagblad interview Jan Eerkens, CEO Lelystad Airport
Medio 2024 neemt het kabinet een besluit over Lelystad Airport. De BoerBurgerBeweging is faliekant...
Lelystad Airport geeft stikstofruimte aan PAS melders
Het is rond, Lelystad Airport heeft de benodigde stikstofrechten opgekocht voor de ontbrekende...
Duurzaam energiesysteem in Lelystad
Het gebied rond Lelystad Airport heeft de potentie om duurzame energiebronnen lokaal te gebruiken....