Lelystad Airport, involved in the community
Social responsibility is an important part of the development of Lelystad Airport. Lelystad Airport collaborates with various organisations, non-profit organisations and community groups to address social and environmental issues. We strive to create a positive impact on society and employee engagement while contributing to our sustainable development goals. By working together, we aim to make a meaningful difference and create a more inclusive and responsible business approach.
Examples of collaborations include Stad en Natuur Almere, Voedselbank Lelystad, Lelystadse Uitdaging, Werkbedrijf Lelystad, Stichting Hoogvliegers, JINC, ROC Flevoland, De Lelystadse Boer, and Lelystad Akkoord.
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Stad & Natuur Almere
Connecting City and Nature
We are proud to announce a new partnership with Stad & Natuur Almere, an organization dedicated to strengthening the connection between people and the natural environment in Almere.
Their work plays a crucial role in raising awareness and educating the public about the importance of a green and livable city. Stad & Natuur Almere organizes a wide range of activities and programs that bring residents and visitors closer to nature, from educational walks to interactive workshops for all ages. These initiatives contribute to a stronger sense of community and a deeper understanding of the surrounding environment.
We believe that by collaborating with Stad & Natuur Almere, we can help create a prosperous and healthy living environment for all residents of Flevoland. We look forward to realizing beautiful projects together that will benefit both the city and nature.

Voedselbank Lelystad
Lelystad Airport is one of the first companies to take advantage of the opportunity to showcase itself on the refrigerated truck of Voedselbank Lelystad. This makes the airport one of the pioneers in associating its name with the Lelystad Food Bank, contributing to keeping the truck operational.
The newly acquired truck in July 2023 is an essential link in providing food to people in need. By having its name displayed on the refrigerated truck, Lelystad Airport supports those facing difficulties. Advertising on the refrigerated truck allows it to keep running, and we contribute to maintaining a responsible food supply in Lelystad and the surrounding region.

Stichting Hoogvliegers
Stichting Hoogvliegers is dedicated to seriously ill or disabled children, organizing flying adventures where they have the opportunity to be a pilot for a day and escape their daily challenges to enjoy a unique experience in the sky.
Stichting Hoogvliegers collaborates with volunteer pilots and is funded through donations and sponsors. Lelystad Airport is pleased to support this important cause in collaboration with Zeusch Aviation.
Since October 2023, PH-KMR has been stationed in the hangar of Zeusch Aviation at Lelystad Airport.

De Lelystadse Boer
A club of 115 farmers around Lelystad Airport in an area the size of 7,000 football fields, good for some €50 million in sales per year. Over time, 45,000 air transport movements a year will take place from and to this area. But they want to think outside the box. They believe that together with the airport, the business park, the municipality, the province and other stakeholders, they can seize opportunities and realise great projects.
De Lelystadse Boer has grown into an umbrella brand of almost everything that happens at an agricultural level in the outskirts of Lelystad.
Lelystad farmers help maintain the airport, cooperate with neighbours and other stakeholders in the area on sustainability, provide farm education through farm visits, harvest days and farmer-in-class programmes and are the stewards of the area where they work, live and pursue their dreams.
Rentmeester BV ensures that Lelystad Airport and Lelystad Airport Businesspark are neatly maintained. From now on, they do this with the new electric, brush cutters. A fine sustainable solution.

Lelystadse Uitdaging
Lelystadse Uitdaging foundation helps fulfil requests for help from foundations and associations (matches) by working with Lelystad companies.
At Lelystad Airport, for example, children’s parties have been organised for financially struggling families and used laptops from Lelystad Airport have been given a second life at a charity in Lelystad.
In 2023, Lelystadse Uitdaging has realised 350 matches with a social value of €400,000.
Aswin Frenay, Lelystadse Uitdaging board member, about the partnership: “We are proud that Lelystad Airport is a sponsor of Lelystadse Uitdaging. Lelystad Airport has been involved for over five years and has taken an active role as a partner.”

Lelystad Airport is proud partner of non-profit organisation JINC.
The collaboration will help children from neighbourhoods with socio-economic disadvantages in getting a good start in the labour market.
In the Netherlands, hundreds of thousands of children grow up in neighbourhoods with high levels of poverty and few role models. They have as much talent as peers from richer neighbourhoods, but often less opportunities to develop it. Through JINC’s projects, they are introduced to all kinds of professions, discover which work suits their talents and learn how to apply for a job.
Lelystad Airport now contributes financially to make the JINC projects possible and makes staff available as volunteers, for example as trainers or coaches. Experience has shown that the expertise and especially the enjoyment of professionals’ work inspires and stays with young people, and that the contact with professionals gives them self-confidence and insight into their own qualities.
“We are proud and happy to contribute to the work of JINC. At Lelystad Airport, we believe in equal opportunities. Every child has a certain drive and talent within them and we like to inspire children to be the best they can be,”said Jan Eerkens, CEO of Lelystad Airport.
De Lelystadse Boer video
Enjoy the making of video of the signing ‘LA 50 jaar’ in the grass at the airport, made possible by De Lelystadse Boer:

Werkbedrijf Lelystad
Through Werkbedrijf Lelystad, there is always someone working at Lelystad Airport with a distance to the labor market.

ROC Flevoland
ROC Flevoland will have an important role in the passenger terminal when commissioned for commercial traffic (vacation flights).
The educational program and class schedule will be integrated into the flight schedule and students will have various active roles in the field (security, hospitality, baggage handling, among others).
Listen here to the interview with Jarno Volmer of Scala by Jop Fackeldey in the radio program “Lelystad in Bedrijf.”

Lelystad Akkoord
Lelystad Airport is sinds maart 2024 officieel aangesloten bij het Lelystad Akkoord.
Het Lelystad Akkoord is een samenwerking van overheid, onderwijs, bedrijfsleven en maatschappelijke instellingen, allen met als doel om de inclusieve arbeidsmarkt te creëren. Daarin blijft niemand aan de kant staan en is er ruimte voor ieders talent. Mensen met een afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt, krijgen een kans! Het Lelystad Akkoord wil de sociaal-economische positie van Lelystad duurzaam verbeteren.
De Inclusieve Arbeidsmarkt is een arbeidsmarkt waaraan mensen zoveel mogelijk en duurzaam meedoen, niet kijkend naar beperkingen maar naar de mogelijkheden. Het Lelystad Akkoord zet hiervoor een netwerk op om te kijken naar kansen om mensen met een afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt aan het werk te helpen, te voorkomen dat werknemers werkloos worden, en de aansluiting tussen werkgevers en opleidingen zo groot mogelijk te maken. Het doel is om zoveel mogelijk mensen werkzekerheid te bieden en daarmee al het arbeidspotentieel in de regio te benutten. Bedrijven die hieraan meedoen, zijn inclusieve ondernemers.