Nieuws & Media . 9 Uncategorized 9 Statement by Jan Eerkens MSc. (CEO Lelystad Airport) on the outline agreement 2024-2028

Statement by Jan Eerkens MSc. (CEO Lelystad Airport) on the outline agreement 2024-2028

Statement by Jan Eerkens MSc. (CEO Lelystad Airport) on the outline agreement 2024-2028:

“The new government is committed to legal protection for residents near Schiphol, while maintaining the network quality for the Netherlands. A great starting point.

We believe that the opening of Lelystad Airport can contribute to reducing the overall nuisance in the Netherlands (relocation of flight movements) and maintaining/strengthening the destination network of Royal Schiphol Group.

In this way, Lelystad Airport also provides an economic and social boost to the province of Flevoland.”

May 16, 2024.