Nieuws & Media . 9 Experiences at Lelystad Airport 9 Vliegclub Flevo: A Club with Wings and a Past

Vliegclub Flevo: A Club with Wings and a Past

July 10, 2024 | There’s more to the name Vliegclub Flevo than meets the eye. In a conversation with Inez van Holtz, we got to know Vliegclub Flevo better. Last year, Lelystad Airport celebrated its 50th anniversary, and in 2022, Vliegclub Flevo marked their own milestone with a grand Fly-In, which attracted over 400 visitors. This makes the club older than the airport itself, with a rich history to look back on. In its early years, the club offered parachuting and gliding, but those activities have since given way to the current operations of Vliegclub Flevo.

Vliegclub Flevo has five airplanes stationed at Lelystad Airport, which are used for club activities as well as for the flying school. Like many large flying clubs, VCF also runs a flying school. They are an ATO (Approved Training Organization) where you can train for all licenses and ratings for single-engine flying. And if you want to obtain a license through the club, you’ll automatically become a member, giving you access to all the benefits the club has to offer. The airplanes are painted in the traditional red, white, and blue club colors. Wherever the club goes, they are easily recognized. The organized flying trips take the club to unique locations, from the Isle of Man to the Alps and the Wadden Islands.

Naturally, we were curious how a flying club combines with being a flight school. The answer was clear. The school is the main draw. When student pilots enjoy their training, they naturally remain club members afterward. All the instructors are passionate, both literally and figuratively. What they have in common is their love for flying and their dedication to the club. The instructors come from different aviation backgrounds and have a wide range of expertise, complementing each other well. Several instructors are also examiners, which is an advantage because they can keep the other instructors up to date on the latest developments in theoretical and practical exams. In short, Vliegclub Flevo is a great place to earn your license and continue flying!

Lelystad Airport Bedrijfsbezoeken Vliegclub

Lelystad Airport Bedrijfsbezoeken Vliegclub